Job Vacancies
Kaiako - Junior Teacher Y0-3
Ngākōroa School is a Y1-8 school that opened in 2022 to meet the needs of the growing population of Auranga in Drury. We currently have a roll of 140 students, with plans to grow to 300+ over the next few years.
We are looking for passionate, innovative, and experienced kaiako to join our Kākano, junior hub (ākonga years 0-3). If you value an inclusive, collaborative learning environment and are a relationship-focused, high-expectation practitioner, we would love to hear from you!
Experience and passion for learning through play pedagogies and knowledge of structured literacy (BSLA) in a New Zealand school context is an advantage. Successful applicants may also be willing to teach and lead at different year levels as the needs of our growing school evolve. While this ad is aimed at experienced kaiako, we're also excited to hear from beginning teachers who want to make a difference and align with our school vision and values.
At Ngākōroa School, we are deliberate and genuine in enacting our vision Kawea te Mātauranga ki te Whaiao ki Te Ao Mārama; Bringing Learning to Life, giving ākonga opportunities to learn through play, and to be active learners through creative inquiry. We use strengths-based approaches and relationship-based learning pedagogies.
This position is available due to roll growth and offers an amazing opportunity to be part of growing a new, dynamic school within a supportive community. The role is permanent, but we are open to considering a fixed-term arrangement if preferred by the right candidate.
The ideal start date is Term 4, but we are flexible for the right person.
Please apply by emailing with a cover letter stating how your strengths and experience align with our school vision and values, your CV, and a completed school application form (see to the right).